Tire Device & Tire Chain Laws by State
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State Tire Chain and Device Laws
Alabama "It shall be permissible to use tire chains or metal studded or safety spike tires of reasonable proportions upon any vehicle when required for safety because of snow, rain or other conditions tending to cause a vehicle to slide or skid."  Search code of Alabama 1975, title 32 motor vehicles and traffic, chapter 5 regulation of operation of motor vehicles, etc., generally, article 9 equipment, division 1 general provisions, section 32-5-210 restrictions as to tire equipment.  Note: Click on left tab "Code of Ala" and then "View" for a list of titles.   Alaska  Refer to the current Alaska statute concerning studded tires or tires with chains, title 28 motor vehicles, chapter 28.35 offenses and accidents, section 28.35.155 operation  of vehicle with certain tires prohibited.  Note:  Select "2007 Alaska Statutes" and then on the left menu select "Query."  Type in "28.35.155" for direct reference to this law or click on section link above.  For studded tires, refer to DMV FAQ's or DOT & PF "studded tires" or DMV  "studded tire information."     Refer to commercial driver license manual, section 2.13 driving in winter, page 40, for tires and tire chains.  (Alaska Department of Administration, Division of Motor Vehicles) Refer to Alaska driver manual, suggested safety equipment on document page 64, recommending snow tires or tire chains.  (Alaska Department of Administration, Division of Motor Vehicles) Arizona It is permissible to use " tire chains of reasonable proportions on a vehicle when required for safety because of snow, ice or other conditions tending to cause a vehicle to skid" and to use "from October 1 to May 1 pneumatic tires containing metal type studs of tungsten carbide or other suitable material that are inserted or constructed in a manner so that the number of studs or the percentage of metal in contact with the roadway does not exceed three per cent of the total tire area in contact with the roadway under any conditions."  See Arizona revised statutes title 28 transportation, chapter 3 traffic & vehicle regulation, article 16 equipment, section 28-958 tire equipment restrictions Refer to commercial driver license manual, section 2.13.1 driving in winter, document pages 36-37, covering tires and tire chains.  (ADOT Motor Vehicle Division) Carrying snow chains recommended.  See ADOT's “Know Snow Preparing Your Vehicle” to use snow tires, chains or studded tires.  Studded tires permitted October 1 to May 1. Arkansas See Arkansas code title 27 transportation, subtitle 3 motor vehicles & their  equipment, chapter 37 equipment regulations, subchapter 4 tires, 27-37-401 only pneumatic rubber tires permitted - exceptions - special permits.   Metal studded tires permitted Nov 15 to April 15.  See Arkansas code title 27 transportation, subtitle 3 motor vehicles & their equipment, chapter 37 equipment regulations, subchapter 4 tires, 27-37-402 metal studded tires lawful during prescribed period. California No specific dates when vehicles are required to carry chains. When a sign is posted requiring chains, all heavy-duty vehicles (over 6,500 lbs  gross weight) must be equipped with chains mounted on tires.  See chain requirements & frequently asked questions. Topics include tire traction devices, automatic traction devices, 18 wheeler chain requirements, combination vehicle routes, dates, truck screening check points, chain requirement locations, cable chains, snow tires,  chains on the trailer, more.  (Caltrans Division of Traffic Operations) Nevada/California chain requirement comparison.  (Nevada DOT) See winter maintenance & operations for Northern CA chain control maps, enforcement & checkpoints, snow tires & chains definitions.  (Caltrans Maintenance & Operations Division) See road information winter driving tips to check restrictions by highway, chain requirements, and chain control placement chart.  (Caltrans Winter Operations) See Caltrans Quickmap for state traffic map with option to select  chain controls.  Zoom to Redding, Sacramento, San Francisco, Central Valley, Los Angeles, San Diego or search by highway.   Southern California traffic map includes Riverside/San Bernardino.  (IE511.org) Frequently asked questions of the California highway patrol including "R" ratings of chain requirements and legality of studded tires.   See California vehicle code on tires chapter 5, division 12, article 4, sections 27450 to 27503. Colorado See Publications and Public Service Announcements (PSA's) on winter driving and chains.  Includes chain up tips and chain regulations for commercial vehicles.  (CDOT) See frequently asked questions for levels of chain law for commercial vehicles, violation penalties, when chains are required for commercial vehicles, levels of chain law for commercial vehicles, trailer chain up, chain-up locations, Interstate 70 chain- up locations, continuing with load after chain-up, and when to take chains off.  (Colorado State Patrol) "On single-tired passenger vehicles and on other single-tired vehicles with rated capacities up to and including three-fourths ton, it shall be permissible to use tires containing studs or other protuberances which do not project more than one-sixteenth of an inch beyond the tread of the traction surface of the tire...also that it shall be permissible to use tire chains of reasonable proportions upon any vehicle when required for safety because of snow, ice, or other conditions tending to cause a vehicle to skid."  See Colorado revised statutes, title 42 vehicles and traffic, article 4 regulation of vehicles and traffic, part 2 equipment, section 42-4-228 restrictions on tire equipment.  Note:  Select "Colorado Statutes" from left menu for a listing of titles.  Map of Colorado chain up stations.  (CDOT) Chain law for truckers. Chain law, chain alternatives, chain assistance program, CSP chain up tips, chain up video, emergency parking, violation and fine schedule.  (COTrip) See FAQs such as "Must I carry tires chains on commercial truck to drive in Colorado in winter?" " As a Truck Driver, what do I need to know about Colorado’s Chain laws?" "Why are Eastbound trucks being told to stage at Dotsero during chain laws and closures on I-70?"  (COTrip)  Connecticut "Each vehicle operated upon any highway or bridge shall be equipped with tires of rubber, or other elastic substance, approved by the commissioner, and the wheels shall be so constructed that no metal part of the wheel or tire may be in contact with the surface of the road at any time when such vehicle is in motion upon the highway, except such vehicle may be equipped with tires incorporating a metal nonskid device" from November 15 to April 30, inclusive.  This doesn't apply to authorized emergency vehicles, road-making machinery, agricultural tractors, or those with a permit.  See general statutes of Connecticut, volume 5, title 14 motor vehicles--use of the highway by vehicles--gasoline. Refer to chapter 246 motor vehicles, section 14-98 tires.   Refer to commercial driver's license manual, section 2.13 driving in winter, document page 37, for information on tires and tire chains.  (Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles) Studded snow tires (metal nonskid devices) may be put on between November 15 and April 30.  See DMV FAQs. Delaware "Tire chains of reasonable proportions may be used upon any vehicle when required for safety because of snow, ice or other conditions tending to cause a vehicle to slide or skid..." Studded tires permitted Oct 15 to April 15.  See Delaware code, title 21 motor vehicles, Part III operation and equipment, chapter 43 equipment and construction of vehicles, subchapter 1 equipment requirements for § 4302 projections from periphery of tires; exceptions.  Note:  Click on "Delaware Code" folder icon on left menu for a listing of titles. Refer to paragraph on studded tires at the DMV. Florida Studded tires (that don't damage highway) permitted. It is prohibited to drive a vehicle with "sharpened or roughened surfaces, other than roughened pneumatic rubber tires having studs designed to improve traction without materially injuring the surface of the highway, unless the rims or tires of the wheels of such tractor engines, tractors, or other vehicles or contrivances are provided with suitable filler blocks between the cleats so as to form a smooth surface. This requirement shall not apply to tractor engines, tractors, or other vehicles or contrivances if the rims or tires of their wheels are constructed in such manner as to prevent injury to such roads."  Exceptions are vehicles used in road maintenance or farm implements.  See Florida statutes title XXIII motor vehicles, chapter 316 state uniform traffic control, 316.299 rough surfaced wheels prohibited. Georgia It is unlawful to operate on a highway any vehicle with wheels having cleats, lugs, flanges, spikes or other extensions on the rim which would damage the road.  This does not prevent the use of tire chains in snow or ice.  Refer to driver manual safety guidelines - winter driving that states "use chains or snow tires if road conditions require extra traction".  Refer to commercial driver's manual driving safety - driving in winter with tire chain recommendations.  (Georgia Department of Driver Services)  Idaho Search Idaho statutes title 49 motor vehicles, chapter 9 vehicle equipment, 49-948 restrictions as to tire equipment Studded snow tires legal from Oct. 1 to April 30.  See winter maintenance on studded tires at ITD.  Also includes studded tire laws for neighboring states of MT, NV, UT, OR, WA, and WY. Refer to driver manual, winter driving section 6-3 on page 81 for tire chains and studded snow tire recommendations.  Refer to Commercial CDL manual section 2.13 driving in winter on page 62 for tires and tire chain recommendations.  (Division of Motor Vehicles, Driver Services Section) Illinois See Illinois compiled statutes, transportation, chapter 625 vehicles, 625 ILCS 5/ Illinois vehicle code, chapter 12 equipment of vehicles, article IV tires, section 12- 401 restriction as to tire equipment.  "Nothing in this Section shall be deemed to prohibit the use of tire chains of reasonable proportion upon any vehicle when required for safety because of snow, ice or other conditions tending to cause a vehicle to skid."  Studded tires are not permitted (except for rural mail deliveries and disabled persons and veterans in unincorporated areas from Nov 15 to April 1). Indiana "Tire chains of reasonable proportions may be used upon a vehicle when required for safety because of snow, ice, or other conditions tending to cause a vehicle to skid."  Studded tires permitted Oct 1 to May 1.  See Indiana code title 9 motor vehicles, article 19 motor vehicle equipment, chapter 18 tires (IC 9-19-18) Iowa It is permissible to use "tire chains of reasonable proportions upon any vehicle when required for safety because of snow, ice, or other conditions tending to cause a vehicle to skid."  Studded tires permitted Nov 1 to April 1. Search Iowa code title VIII transportation, subtitle 2 vehicles, chapter 321 motor vehicles and law of the road, 321.442 projections on wheels. (Refer also to  321.441 metal tires prohibited and 321.440 restrictions as to tire equipment.) Use the search on top for quick access.   Refer to CDL manual, section 2.13 driving in winter, document page 2-28 for tires and tire chains.  (Iowadot Motor Vehicle Division) Kansas It is permissible to use "tire chains of reasonable proportions upon any vehicle when required for safety because of snow, ice or other conditions tending to cause a vehicle to skid...".  See Kansas statutes chapter 8 automobiles and other vehicles, article 17 uniform act regulating traffic; equipment of vehicles, 8-1742 restrictions as to tire equipment.  Studded tires permitted Nov 1 to April 1.  See Kansas Highway Patrol FAQ's vehicle equipment. Kentucky Search Kentucky revised statutes, title XVI motor vehicles, chapter 189 traffic regulations vehicle equipment and storage, .190 chains and lugs on wheels.  See Kentucky State Police winter driving tips. Louisiana It is permissible to "use tire chains of reasonable proportions upon any vehicle, when required for safety because of conditions tending to cause a vehicle to slide or skid."  Studded tires not permitted except rubber studs.  Search Louisiana laws and select revised statutes.  Search by typing "title 32" and click on "RS 32 - Motor Vehicles and Traffic Regulation."  Find RS 32:362 restrictions as to tire equipment. See facts about winter driving.  (LA Office of Emergency Preparedness) Maine Studded tires permitted Oct 1 to April 30.  Search Main statutes, title 29-A motor vehicles, chapter 17 equipment, subchapter 1 general provisions, §1919 studded tires See also §1917 tires and wheels. Refer to commercial driver's manual, section 2.13 driving in winter, document page 2-25, for tires and tire chains.  (Maine Bureau of Motor Vehicles) Maryland "It is permissible to use tire chains of reasonable proportions on any vehicle when required for safety because of snow, ice, or other conditions tending to cause a vehicle to skid..."  See Maryland Code, transportation, title 22, subtitle 4, section 405 tires.  Refer to commercial driver's license manual under “Commercial driver licensing forms,” (form # DL-151), section 2.13 driving in winter, document page 2-26, for tires and tire chains. (DOT Motor Vehicle Administration) Massachusetts Studded tires permitted Nov 1 to April 30 unless otherwise authorized by registrar.  See general laws of Massachusetts, part I administration of the government, title XIV public ways and works, chapter 90 motor vehicles and aircraft, section 16 offensive or illegal operation of motor vehicles See FAQs #8, on dates for studded tires. (MassDot Registry of Motor Vehicles) Safe winter driving tips at MHD. Michigan See traffic laws frequently asked questions,  under equipment and lighting, from Michigan State Police for information on legality of tire chains and studded tires.  See MCL 257.710 of the Michigan Vehicle Code for tires, studs or other traction devices.  For chains, MCL 257.710 states an individual may "use a tire chain of reasonable proportion upon a vehicle when required for safety because of snow, ice, or other condition tending to cause a vehicle to skid."  However, chains must not contact the road surface. Are tire chains legal in Michigan?  See MDOT winter maintenance FAQs. See Administrative Rules 247.171- 247.175 for traction devices. Minnesota "It shall be permissible to use any of the following on highways: implements of husbandry with tires having protuberances which will not injure the highway, and tire chains of reasonable proportions upon any vehicle when required for safety because of snow, ice, or other conditions tending to cause a vehicle to skid." Studded tires are not allowed at all times, except for nonresidents, who are subject to certain restrictions and rural mail carriers with a permit.  This does not include full time nonresident students and nonresidents employed within the state.  Search Minnesota statute, 160-174A transportation, chapter 169 traffic regulations, 169.72 tire surface; metal studs.   Mississippi "It shall be permissible to use tire chains of reasonable proportions upon any vehicle when required for safety because of snow, ice, or other conditions tending to cause a vehicle to skid."  See Mississippi code, title 63 motor vehicles and traffic regulations, chapter 7 equipment and identification, general provisions, tires § 63-7-67. Rubber studs allowed.  Missouri  "No person shall operate any motor vehicle upon any road or highway of this state between the first day of April and the first day of November while the motor vehicle is equipped with tires containing metal or carbide studs."  Studded tires allowed Nov 1 to March 31.  See Missouri revised statutes, title XIX motor vehicles, watercraft and aviation, chapter 307 vehicle equipment regulations, section 307.171 studded tires, prohibited when--penalty.  Montana Studded tires are allowed October 1 and May 31.  Montana law requires chains be used when "chains are required" signs are posted.  Chains are required on the drive wheels of one axle of a vehicle.  Refer to Trucker's handbook (under Commercial Motor Carrier Services) page 7 for Montana chain-up requirements  and studded tires.  (MDT) See snow tire options for tire equipment restrictions on particular tires, chains, or traction equipment. (MDT) It is permissible "to use tire chains of reasonable proportions or pneumatic tires, the traction surfaces of which have been embedded with material, such as wood, wire, plastic or metal, that may not protrude more than one-sixteenth of an inch beyond the tire tread or that are clearly marked by the manufacturer on the sidewall "all season m&s" (or "all season mud and snow"), upon a vehicle when required for safety because of snow, ice, or other conditions tending to cause a vehicle to skid. The use of pneumatic tires embedded as provided in this section is permitted only between October 1 and May 31 of each year, except that one of those tires may be used for a spare in case of tire failure."  (exceptions are school buses).  See Montana code annotated 2005, title 61 motor vehicles, part 4 miscellaneous regulations, 61-9-406  restrictions as to tire equipment -- particular tires, chains, or traction equipment -- definitions.  Nebraska "It shall be permissible to use tire chains of reasonable proportions upon any vehicle when required for safety because of snow, ice, or other condition tending to cause a vehicle to slide or skid."  See Nebraska revised statutes.  Refer to chapter 60, 60- 6,250 for tires; requirements; cleats or projections prohibited; exceptions; permissive uses; special permits; exceptions. See NDOR general travel info & links including information on tire chains and studded snow tire use and dates.  Motorists may use studded snow tires from Nov 1 to April 1.  (Studs allowed anytime for school buses, mail carriers, emergency vehicles) Nevada Chains or snow tires are required when posted on signs. See traction device requirements.  (DOT) Nevada traction device requirements (under trucker links).  DOT Nevada/California chain requirement comparison.  (DOT) Traction & chain requirement descriptions including chains and snow tire requirements.  (DOT) Studded snow tires legal from Oct. 1 to April 30.  See Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) 484.230 - 484.245 on Traction Devices, Tire Chains and Snow Tires.   Road conditions by route with controls and warnings.  Includes snow tires and chains required.  (Nevada Commission on Tourism) New Hampshire Studded tires allowed.  No restrictions.  See New Hampshire statutes, chapter 266 equipment of motor vehicles, Section 266:50 Vehicle Tires. Refer to driver education - commercial driver's manual (CDL), section 2.13 driving in winter, document page 2-24, for tires and tire chains.  (NH Department of Safety, Division of Motor Vehicles) New Jersey "Motor vehicle tires may be fitted with tire-chains of reasonable proportions when roads, streets and highways are slippery..." See New Jersey statutes, title 39 motor vehicles and traffic regulation.  Refer to:  39:3-72 tire equipment; 39:3-73 tire chains; 39:3-81. Sale, possession or use of tires of type approved by director; regulations; penalties; 39:3-82. Tires on commercial vehicles, tractors and motor-drawn vehicles; distribution of load; fine for violation of section Studded tires allowed Nov 15 to April 1. New Mexico "It shall be permissible to use tire chains of reasonable proportions or snow tires with metal studs designed to increase traction on ice or snow upon any vehicle when required for safety because of snow, ice or other conditions tending to cause a vehicle to skid."  Studded tires allowed. See Statutory chapters in New Mexico Statutes Annotated 1978, chapter 66 motor vehicles, article 3, part 9 equipment, 66-3-847 restrictions as to tire equipment. New York Studded tires allowed Oct 16 to April 30.  Select "Laws of New York", Title 3, article 9 equipment of motor vehicles and motorcycles, § 375 equipment, 35 tires.  Note:  Best way to retrieve results is to type "tires" in the search on top.   Refer to New York State commercial driver's manual.  Click on  Section 2 driving safely.  Read section 2.13 driving in winter, document page 2-33, for tires and tire chains. (New York State Department of Motor Vehicles)  North Carolina See North Carolina general statutes, chapter 20 motor vehicles, article 3, §20‑122 restrictions as to tire equipment.  Studded tires allowed. North Dakota It is permissible to use tire chains of reasonable proportion.   Pneumatic tires with metal studs which do not project 1.59 millimeters beyond the tread of the traction surface of the tire are allowed Oct 15 to April 15 (school buses may use any time during year).  See North Dakota Century Code, title 39 motor vehicles, 39-21-40 restrictions as to tire equipment.  Ohio Studded tires allowed Nov 1 to April 15. See Ohio revised code, title [55] LV roads-- highways--bridges, chapter 5589 offenses relating to highways, section §5589.081 studded tires; prohibitions. This section does not apply to the use of tire chains when there is snow or ice. Oklahoma Search the Legislative Information System - Oklahoma Statutes & Constitution - Oklahoma Statutes Database for Title 47 motor vehicles including §47-12-405. (Tires and wheels - Peripheral equipment - Unsafe operating condition.) Studded tires allowed Nov 1 to April 1. Oregon Chains or traction tires are required whenever winter conditions exist and signs are posted. Chain and traction tires includes a video, map of chain-up areas, road conditions requiring chains, chain law, traction tire options, studded tire facts, alternatives to studded tires, frequently asked questions, snow zone signs, preparing for stormy conditions.  (ODOT Communications)    View ODOT videos on how to put on cable tire chains. See ODOT's Tripcheck for minimum chain requirements.  Select options on left to view information on traction tires or chain law. See chains or traction tires at 734-017-0005 of the Oregon Administrative Rule. Pennsylvania "Tire chains may be temporarily used on vehicles during periods of snow and ice emergency if they are in conformance with regulations promulgated by the department." Studded tires allowed Nov 1 to April 15.  See Vehicle Code 75, part IV vehicle characteristics, chapter 45 other required equipment, subchapter B, section §4525 tire equipment and traction surfaces. Rhode Island "It shall be permissible to use tire chains of reasonable proportions upon any vehicle when required for safety because of snow, ice, or other conditions tending to cause a vehicle to skid."  Studded tires allowed Nov 15 to April 1.  See title 31 motor and other vehicles, chapter 31-23 equipment and accessories generally, section 31-23-20 protuberances on tires South Carolina "It shall be permissible to use tire chains of reasonable proportions upon any vehicle when required for safety, because of snow, ice or other conditions tending to cause a vehicle to skid."  Studded tires allowed if not projected more than 1/16 inch when compressed.  Refer to South Carolina code of laws, title 56 motor vehicles, chapter 5 uniform act regulating traffic on highways, article 35 equipment and identification, section 56-5-5040 tires. South Dakota "It shall be permissible to use tire chains of reasonable proportions upon any vehicle when required for safety because of snow, ice, or other conditions tending to cause a vehicle to slide or skid..." Studded tires allowed Oct 1 to April 30 (anytime for school buses and a municipal fire fighting vehicle).  See South Dakota codified laws, title 32 motor vehicles, chapter 32-19 wheels, tires, and special vehicles,  Refer to 32-19-2 cleated or spiked rolling surfaces prohibited--farm machinery excepted--tire chains excepted--violation as petty offense.  Refer to 32-19-3 pneumatic tires with metal studs permitted--limitation--violation as misdemeanor.  Tennessee "It is permissible to use tire chains of reasonable proportions on any vehicle when required for safety because of snow, ice, or other condition tending to cause a vehicle to skid."  Studded tires permitted Oct 1 to April 15 on vehicles less than 9,000 lbs GVW, buses, emergency vehicles. See Tennessee code, title 55 motor and other vehicles, chapter 8 operation of motor vehicles - rules of the road, chapter 9 equipment - lighting regulations, part 1 general provisions 55-9-102 emergency parts and accessories to be carried by various type motor vehicles.  Refer to 55-9-106 studded tires.   Texas A tire chain may be used if it is "of reasonable proportion that is used as required for safety because of a condition that might cause the vehicle to skid."  Studded tires (only those that will not damage highway) are permissible.  See Texas statutes.  Select Transportation Code.  Refer to title 7 vehicles and traffic, chapter 547 vehicle equipment, §547.612 restrictions on use and sale of tires.  Utah  See Utah Admin Code Rule R920-6 Snow Tire and Chain Requirements. "When any designated highway is so restricted, no vehicle or motor vehicle shall be allowed or permitted the use of the highway, during the period between November 1 and March 31, unless: 1. Said vehicle is equipped with either:  a. Steel link chains or have chains in possession; or b. Mounted snow tires; or c. Elastomeric tire chains, designed for use with radial tires. 2. Four-wheel drive vehicles must have a minimum of two mounted snow tires to meet the requirements.  3. Radial tires without snow tread do not meet the requirements." Refer to UDOT Commuterlink for restrictions and road surface on interstates and primary routes, including tire chains. Refer also to UDOT's "Snow tire and chain requirements." Vermont "No person may operate or move upon or over any highway or bridge a vehicle, machine or contrivance which has any flange, ribs, clamps, or other object attached to or made a part of, its wheels which will injure, cut into or destroy the surface of the highway or bridge to any appreciable extent. This provision does not restrict the right of any person to use tires which are equipped with "studs" or "cleats," so-called, of a type designed for general use to facilitate travel in winter."  Studded tires permitted. No restrictions.  See Vermont statutes, title 23 motor vehicles, chapter 13 operation of vehicles, §1092 damaging surface of road.  Virginia It is permissible "to use tire chains of reasonable proportions when required for safety because of snow, ice, or other conditions tending to cause a vehicle to slide or skid"  Studded snow tires are permitted October 15 to April 15 if not projected more than 1/16 inch when compressed and cover less than 3% of the surface area.  See code of Virginia, title 46.2 motor vehicles, chapter 10 motor vehicle and equipment safety Refer to §46.2-1044 cleats, etc., on tires; chains; tires with studs.  See VDOT snow removal and snow driving covering studded tires on page 2. Washington See WAC 204-24-050 use of tire chains or other traction devices.  for vehicles vehicles under 10,000 pounds gross vehicle weight (GVW) or combinations of vehicles over 10,000 pounds gross. See WSDOT's minimum chain requirements for chain requirements,  proper chain placement diagram, and routes applicable for vehicles over 10,000 pounds GVW. Studded snow tires legal from Nov 1 to March 31. Motorists using studded tires after deadline could incur a $101 fine.  See WSDOT for studded tire information including chains. See traction devices including standards for tire chains and studded tires and frequently asked questions with chaining requirements brochure.  (WA State Patrol Equipment and Standards Section) Refer to WSDOT frequently asked questions for winter driving for  winter travel and road restrictions (chains required, vehicle requirements), tires (traction tire, studded tires, alternatives), chains (carrying chains, legal chains & other traction devices, using chains with studded tires, chains on mountain passes, more), commercial/oversized vehicles (choosing tires to chain).  For Seattle, refer to winter driving tips with information on tires and chains. (City of Seattle)  West Virginia "It shall be permissible to use tire chains of reasonable proportions upon any vehicle when required for safety because of snow, ice or other conditions tending to cause a vehicle to skid."  Studded tires are allowed November 1 to April 15.  Search West Virginia code, and chapter 17c traffic regulations and laws of the road,  §17C-15-37 tire equipment restrictions; rules and regulations as to certain tires.Refer to commercial driver license (CDL) manual, section 2.13 driving in winter, document page 2-26, for tires and tire chains. (DOT Division of Motor Vehicles)  Wisconsin Studded tires not permitted.  Exceptions are authorized emergency vehicles, vehicles used to deliver mail, and school buses Nov 15 to April 1.  Studded tires are allowed on automobiles with out-of-state registrations (only if such automobiles is in the course of passing through the state for a period of not more than 30 days). See WI Administrative Code on use of studded tires (Trans 306.01 Studded tires). Wyoming It is permissible to use "tire chains of reasonable proportions upon any vehicle when required for safety because of snow, ice or other conditions tending to cause a vehicle to skid"  Highway travel may be restricted to all wheel drive vehicles or motor vehicles equipped with tire chains or adequate snow tires when authorized representative determines that travel is sufficiently hazardous.  Studded snow tires legal all year.  Studs cannot injure the surface of the highway.  The superintendent (WYDOT Director) must approve studded tires. See Wyoming statute, title 31 motor vehicles, 31-5-956 tires; restriction of travel under hazardous conditions. Refer to chain law at Wyoming Highway Patrol. 
Following are useful vehicle resources for tire chains and other tire devices for winter travel.  For travel updates by phone, refer to 511 traveler information.  Check out road & traffic conditions by state for current driving conditions and maps, or weather by state for forecasts and alerts. 
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